Leonid Shulga التطبيقات

Sales Representative - Store FMCG Fastoder 1.0.11
Leonid Shulga
Make your marketing easier. The application for fmcg (cpg)companieshelp to control the quantity/remnant of the goods indifferentwarehouses. Quickly change their remains in storage. Theapplicationis useful for both merchandiser and salesrepresentatives. Worksoffline. FMCG distributor (Store, warehouse)
Customer Satisfaction Survey 1.0.32
Leonid Shulga
Satisfaction survey is mobile application that gets customerreviewsby using loyalty buttons. With it you can find out thequality ofservice and customer loyalty to your company. App forevaluation ofthe quality of service is easy to set up and can beoperated withoutinternet. The application can be downloaded forfree. Update 1.0.2:Added features for working with index NetPromoter Score (NPS)Account for testing: Login: testu Password:test1234
Waiter notepad Fastoder 1.2.47
Leonid Shulga
This is waiter notepad, app helps waiter take an order Improve worka restaurant
Staff workflow process management task Fastoder 1.0.22
Leonid Shulga
The application for managing business processes includes:-Creationof employees/staff -distribution of tasks betweenemployees -everytask has its own workflow Privacypolicy:https://fastoder.com/privacy_policy.html
Control security guard patrol 1.1.29
Leonid Shulga
Control of the territory bypass by security guards viaGPScoordinates
Waiter call Fastoder 1.1.17
Leonid Shulga
Waiter bell - informs the waiter that the customer is waitingforfood serving